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Exit Strategies

“He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day;
But he who is battle slain
can never rise to fight again.”

~ Oliver Goldsmith

An army led by competent generals makes plans in their battle preparations for strategies and methods of retreat if the battle doesn’t go in their favor. This doesn’t mean they are planning to fail. It just means that no one can predict the outcome of a battle so it is always wise to prepare for all eventualities. There are stubborn leaders like Adolf Hitler who almost destroyed his whole army in WW2 during the Operation Barbarossa campaign against Russia because he refused to allow his badly defeated soldiers to retreat. 

We don’t know one hundred percent what the Elites are going to do next, though we have some pretty good ideas, based on their patterns of behavior thus far and also because they operate by openly projecting their future plans. Most of us Freedom Fighters already understand their methods of predictive programming. 

Things could go very sideways in the coming months. An enemy who brutally murders in cold blood is an enemy to be wary of, and so far the vaccines have killed thousands and the vaccine injuries are now in the millions.

Reports of detention centers being built concurrently with the emerging vaccine passports and a media campaign against the Freedom Movement doesn’t bode well for our community. We must be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. Having said that, the following are several exit strategies that we all need to consider.

Bug-Out Bag
A Bug-Out Bag is basically a backpack-style bag that a person keeps at the ready in case they need to evacuate in a hurry (bug out) due to natural disaster, civil unrest, fire, war or any other similar type of calamity. Also referred to by its acronym BOB, bug-out bags are portable sacks or backpacks that contain the essential items you’d need to survive for at least 72 hours in a SHTF scenario – when “Sh** hits the fan”.

You need food and water for 3 days, first-aid kit, sleeping bag and a tent, plus matches and other survival gear to keep you alive if you are forced to run for it. Chances are, if things get this hairy, the safest place will be in the woods near fresh water where you can hopefully fish for food and lay low. 

You can make your own bug-out bag or buy one on Amazon or other outdoor equipment stores. Many of these bags are big on survival gear but low on food which seems to me to be the most important item if you’re going to be on your own in the woods for days. Here’s one example but there are many to choose from:

Winter Food Bank
For those of us who have decided to tough it out and stay in Canada long-term, we should also be battening down the hatches and preparing for stormy weather. Our medical professionals, government and media are pushing for vaccine passports at the time of the writing of this book. There are rumoured food shortages, cyber attacks and gasoline rationing predicted in the very near future. 

We can’t fight this battle if we don’t have enough to eat. If suddenly we are forced to leave the city or move out because the economy goes south, at least we will have food to get by. We should all be looking at storing at least 3-6 months food and water in our own private food bank. We should also be building community food banks to service our members. We can’t win a battle for the souls of the human race if we have no compassion for each other and can’t even take care of our own people.

Digital Nomad Visas
Due to the drastic loss of tourism revenue for many countries because of the lockdowns, there are now over 20 countries offering “Digital Nomad Visas” to attract tourism. These visas are not working visas and they are specifically aimed at remote workers who are employed or self-employed and can support themselves with online work.

The cost of the visas varies from free to $2000. Most require proof of income, usually about $2000-2500/month or an equivalent deposit in a local bank. The duration of the visa is usually for a year with option to renew. Bali has just granted a 5-year visa with no fee.

Some countries may become just as inhospitable as Canada or other western nations in the coming months. The safest place in the next couple of years might be the enemies of the western Empire such as Iran, China, Russia, Belarus, Nicaragua, Cuba and others who are reluctant or opposed to the harsh agenda of the New World Order. 

RV’s and Motorhomes
Many in our community are either planning on, or have already bought an RV as a safeguard in case things go sideways. I lived in a 32-foot Winnebago for almost 2 years so I have some experience with this.

Most cities have length limits on vehicles that are permitted to park overnight on city streets. This is usually 21 feet. If you buy anything bigger, you risk tickets and getting towed and generally getting harassed because many people dislike seeing RV’s on their streets and that forces you to park your giant vehicle in industrial areas which are not that pleasant to live in.

Bigger vehicles cost much more for repairs and gas. My Winnebago got 9 miles to the gallon and it literally cost me $5 just to warm it up in the morning. Gas prices are currently $1.60/liter here in Vancouver so it’s something to consider. Repairs for a large vehicle are also expensive so make sure you have a repair budget. The older the vehicle the more repairs you are likely to incur. Just changing the tires on a big vehicle could easily cost $2000 especially if there are dual wheels on the back. On the other hand, RV’s depreciate very quickly and people usually only drive them minimally in the summer so it’s common to find an older vehicle with low km’s at a very good price. $10,000 is generally the cut off for a good vehicle so buyer beware if your budget is lower than that.

If you want to park it permanently at an RV park, most parks will not take vehicles older than 10 years old. RV parks usually charge around $800 a month though they often come with showers, laundry rooms and even swimming pools.

Most RV’s are not insulated, they are made for summer life and the winter in Canada is freaking cold if you haven’t noticed. You need a propane heater or you risk your water pipes freezing which will ruin your RV permanently. I stayed in Denver, Colorado in the winter and it went down to minus 20 C with a wind chill factor of minus 25. Some of the homeless people died from the cold that month of December. It wasn’t much fun worrying about freezing to death so in January I drove to Las Vegas for the rest of the winter after waking up to icicles hanging from the roof and the tap water frozen solid.

What you really need is a place to sleep, a place to cook your food and a shower. Everything else is gravy. A smaller vehicle is less conspicuous so consider a panel van or something like a Mercedes Sprinter van that has been converted. A cheaper version is the Ford Transit van. They have high ceilings so you can stand up inside.

The other thing to consider is solar panels. You need minimum 200 watts, preferably 400 watts which is typically two 200-watt panels. Otherwise, you will burn out the coach batteries very quickly running them on empty all the time. A back-up generator is also good but it is noisy running it all the time. Solar is the best option.

If you get a smaller vehicle with a minimum 50-gallon fresh water tank you can have showers every day even if they are only 5 minute showers. Clean water is a necessity and you need roughly 100 gallons per week. Finding fresh water is not always easy, plus you have to find somewhere to dump the dirty water tank. If you have a toilet you need multiple tanks and the toilet water stinks bad after about a week. You can usually find a sewer drain to dump the tanks. The other option is to get a membership at a national fitness center and use their shower and washroom. 

The cost of housing in Vancouver has skyrocketed in the last few years and the RV ghettos have also skyrocketed There are dozens of small RV communities springing up all over behind Canadian Tire, Walmart, Home Depot and other big box stores. RV living is challenging but these are excessively challenging times and we all may have to roll with the punches and adapt to the changing political climate. If the Elites are successful in forcing the vaccine passports through, our community of Freedom Fighters may be marginalized from society and forced to find ways to survive. A mobile home provides an inexpensive way to live off the grid inconspicuously, and having the ability to take off if needed is also attractive at this time. 

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