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Conversation Skytrain Walks

A “How To” Guide to Canvassing



Thank you all for participating within this group. Each of us represents the voice of freedom which speaks against the forces whom seek to destroy our lawfully deserved rights.

As we have rolled into the New Year of 2022, now is the time for us as a society, to become more proficient in our tactics in canvassing towards the unaware masses whom are oblivious that our inalienable rights as human beings are at stake. These next few months will be critical in gaining ground as the outcome may be decided in spring.


Our Mission Statement:


“We are determined in helping citizens by bringing to light information about peoples rights and freedoms, lest they be taken away unknowingly.”


Our Mantra:


“We spread love, not fear. Question, Inform & Connect.”


Our Goal:


“To spread awareness and pland idea seeds to passive allies and neutral people in regards to the illegal mandates that have plagued our nation. Gaining numbers of those whom are awake so we can end this Covid tyranny.”




Together we will go over the following points in an effort to help function as a more cohesive team and share our successes, failures and role plays with each other at the end.

  • Why our Method is Successful - Everyone's time matters

  • Intent is Fundamental - Keep focused on your goal

  • Know Your Target - Be mindful of “sunk time” and “difficulty”

  • Vaccines vs. Mandates - Mandates effect EVERYONE

  • Facts vs Feelings - Make it about THEM

  • Starting the Conversation - Ask their feelings on current events

  • Talking Points - Ask open ended questions

  • Body Language - It's all in their eyes

  • Road Blocks - Don't waste time on an opponent

  • Closing the Deal - Have handouts ready


Why our Method is Successful:


The key to our team's success at canvassing lays within the psychology behind the location of our team's demonstrations.

Time is the most precious and governing factor for people's lives, it's difficult to explain our message if people feel their time is wasted. (It's important to remember that our time is valuable and limited as well.)
Store Employees & Security Guards are such an example, they are “on the clock” and canvassing to them may prove difficult because we are offering them the dilemma of: “our information or your paycheck.” They can be won over but the cost of sunk time is too great.

The Skytrain is most effective because people HAVE time to waste when onboard. They are more willing to hear a canvasser speak to them as their personal time is not being infringed upon.


Intent is Fundamental:


When conveying any information to someone, it's integral to keep your intent or goal in the back of your mind. During a conversation, It's easy to get off track, become angry or compromise your position if you lose sight of your intention or goal. Decide on what your goal is before each interaction and focus on what that intention is throughout the conversation, keep your eyes on the prize.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself: If you notice the conversation has run away from you, it is perfectly OK to take a moment to a breathe, remind yourself of your goals and grounding yourself before continuing the discussion. The difference between success and failure is the visualization of each step towards your goal or lack thereof.

(When in doubt, refer to our Mission Statement, Mantra & Goal. Use what works best for you!)


Know Your Target: (see images)


There is a sliding scale in mentality as to how ready people are to receive or engage with the information we have to offer; As such, we have to decide what information to use which would benefit the situation versus losing that person.

For example, you could explain to someone what graphene is, but because that information could take hours of power point presentation to convince them, it would yield fruitless in the short amount of time needed to convey that message. While there are many topics one could convey, you will be most successful in choosing a message that the other party can identify with as this will greatly increase your odds of winning them over.


Each person can also be measured within a category of “Sunk Time Cost.”
In reference to the images provided, the more people lean on the “opponents” end of the spectrum, the more time, effort and energy it may take to convince them. It's valid to measure your time and effort accordingly, aim for where you feel YOU would be most successful on the barometer.


This is a numbers game. For the time it takes you to successfully convey your message to a security guard, you might have used that time to reach 5 “below the nose” mask wearers.

Vaccines vs. Mandates:


While vaccines are a great topic to speak about, many people have either received their 2nd or 3rd shot. As their vaccines cannot be undone, this topic may be unsuccessful with those we speak to; adversely, this might raise their defences and they may become impossible to reach.
Taking about mandates and government overreach may prove more meaningful as it effects everyone equally.


Facts vs. Feelings:


“Facts don't care about your feelings,” while true, this statement has never won an argument.

We have reached a new age where feelings are more validated than actual facts and sadly we have to recognize and play by those rules. We can share facts with people whom are willing to accept them but for the most part, people will not do the leg work if we ask them to “Look it up.”

This is where the questions which include their feelings on topical matters are effective.

The last 20 months of lock-downs & restrictions were designed to deteriorate one of the most important moral pillars of our society: Community.
If one member of a community faces hardship, the rest of the community will help lift that person up. Without a community, people fall into a paradigm of “If it doesn't effect me, why should I care?”


It's due to this new frame of thought within modern society that we have to direct our questions to “how people feel about the current state of affairs” and “how it directly effects them.”


Starting the Conversation:


The best way to start a conversation with someone is to do the following:


Ask open ended Questions:

Questions that lead to a “Yes” or “No” answer are more likely to kill the
conversation. By structuring your questions to be open ended, the
other person is forced to think and give an elaborate response.


Ask “how they feel about ...” within your Question:

By asking their feelings on the matter, they will feel more involved as an individual and be more inclined to engage in the discussion.


Treat everyone as an old friend:
Make the conversation about 'them' and talk to every person you engage with as a friend you've had for a long time. This is an old trick that has gained popularity with motivational speakers. This in effect will make the person whom you're speaking to feel more at ease and cared about, lowering their defenced and more willing to engage.


Talking Points:


The following are some examples of structured talking points to help further the discussion using the rules applied from above:

- “How do you feel about the restrictions that are in place over the omicron variant?”

- "Do you feel that closing gyms, bars, clubs, with no social gatherings like wedding,
dinners, receptions will help limit COVID?

- "If Omicron offers the same symptoms as the cold and doesn't kill anyone, how do you feel about further restrictions or potential lock downs?"

- "Do you feel this is still about a deadly virus or more about Government control.

Where do we fit in as citizens with rights?"


- "How do you feel about people getting the vaccine, not because they were
afraid of a virus but just so they could enjoy the rights they once used to?”

- “How long do you feel COVID will go on for? At what point do your rights matter?”


- “If we have another lock down, we could face economic collapse, do you feel you could survive The Next Great Depression?”


Remember, even if your engagement with that person doesn't turn out well, everyone else around is also engaged by proxy. The person you were talking to may not want to take your flyer after the conversation, but another whom was listening in might. This is where helps to speak to more people at one time, your voice will last longer too!


Be kind and show love.
“It's easier to catch 1 fly with a drop of honey than 1000 flies with
a gallon of vinegar.” - Dale Carnegie's: How to win friends and
influence people.


Body Language:


Many people use earphone these days, but if you speak to a larger group of 3-6 whom are sitting down, you may get some heads to look up and maintain eye contact. People may not respond but eye contact is the best indicator to continue your messaging. If you're speaking to a large group of people and they ignore you or if someone feels threatened by your presence, (which they will often tell you to keep away) it would be better to disengage and try again with a different group. Remember that once someone's defences go up, it will be nearly impossible to reach them and any tactics used on them may be seen as abrasive by other passengers which could damage your presentation towards them.




Road Blocks:


There will be times when we are canvassing / demonstrating in public
where we are presented with a "Road Block."
One such road block is when we encounter a (currently employed) medical field worker.
When this happens, you can either ask them questions about their field if you genuinely want to hear their side of the answers, otherwise you are more likely to be successful with your message if you shift the conversation from vaccines to the subject of government over-reach. As far as a medical worker is concerned, they are masters in their field compared to you or what you say. They may not sway even if you quote Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former VP of Pfizer of 30yrs) and Dr. Robert Malone (Creator of the mRNA vaccine)

“Never argue with a fool, they will drag you down to their level and
beat you with experience” - Letterkenny

Further talking points to a Medical Worker:

- “How do you feel about the government giving people the ultimatum:
Do it or else.”

- “Why is it OK for people to lose their jobs over a government
mandated medication?”

- “In what scenario is it OK for people to be denied medical exemption
because of their pre-existing conditions?”

- “Do you personally feel there is a line that the government
shouldn't cross? What is that line?”

- “Why should someone get vaccinated if you can still catch COVID after having 2 shots and a booster?”



Closing the Deal:


At the end of your discussion, it's imperative to have some form of physical information on hand in which we can connect them to the awakened world. Information like:
Druthers, Pandemic Papers, Common Ground and our group flyers are great resources. Offer them resources that lead to other resources like telegram groups and other information where their independent exploration can continue. (Be sure to have read the information you're handing out, as a general rule of thumb.)

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